LXVI SIGA Annual Congress
“Climate-smart plants to feed the future”

 05-08 September 2023

SESSION 7 - Updates and upgrades in genome editing

7.01 Cereseto A., Ciciani M., Visentin E., Bonuzzi I., Lucchetta L., Ruta G. V.
Expanding the genome editing toolbox by unlocking rna guided nucleases using massive metagenomic data
7.02 Granell A.
Genome editing for better, healthier tomatoes
7.03 Vicentini G., Bertagnon G., Giaume F., Fornara F., Brambilla V.
Controls of stem elongation by the flowering pathway in rice
7.04 Vaccino P., Sansoni F., Volante A., Zampieri E., Salvi S., Camerlengo F., Pierbattista S., Valè G., Crosatti C., Toppino L., Bono G. A., Fornara F., Pecchioni N.
A new rice plant ideotype through genome editing: the SUSRICE project
7.05 Maioli A., De Marchi F., Valentino D., Gianoglio S., Patono D., Miloro F., Bai Y., Comino C., Lanteri S., Lovisolo C., Acquadro A., Moglia A.
New insights on the role of SlDMR6-1 in drought avoidance in tomato
7.06 Nicolia A., D'Agostino N., Tamburino R., Festa G., Sannino L., Aufiero G., Paparo R., Arimura S., Scotti N., Cardi T.
Molecular and phenotypic characterization of potato plants edited in the mitochondrial genome by mitoTALEN and mitoTALECD approaches
7.07 Salvagnin U., Giacomelli L., Scintilla S., Rouppe Van Der Voort J., Zeilmaker T., Moser C.
Reduced susceptibility to downy mildew of DMR6 gene-edited grapevine plants and development of DNA-free edited mutants
7.08 Moffa L., Bevilacqua I., Pagliarani C., Gambino G., Perrone I., Velasco R., Lovisolo C., Nerva L., Chitarra W.
Improving grape resilience to drought exploiting the CRISPR/Cas technology: functional characterization of the target gene through Spray Induced Gene Silencing (SIGS)
7.09 Mineri L., Sergi E., Morandini P., Bono G. A., Vicentini G., Colleoni P. E., Fornara F., Brambilla V.
The florigen-activated gene OsMAIL1 determines stigma number in rice florets
7.10 Bertagnon G., Vicentini G., Brambilla V., Fornara F.
7.11 Mallardi A., Liberatore C., Baldoni E., Ceriotti A., Lauria M.
Editing of the durum wheat PDIL5-1 gene to increase resistance to soil-borne bymoviruses
7.12 Iohannes S. D., Jackson D.
The redundancy paradox: uncovering the mechanisms of paralogous compensation in the maize meristem
7.13 Bellucci M., De Marchis F., Nicolia A., Piras C., Santoro D. F., Anderson A. W., Micheli M., Rosellini D.
Genome editing in alfalfa by intron targeting using CRISPR-Cas9
7.14 Paganelli S., Macchia F. P., Fulvio F., Bassolino L., Terracciano I., Righetti L., Pecchioni N., Paris R.
Evolution of tissue culture on Cannabis sativa through the use of assisted technologies: a promising approach for the development of agricultural biotechnologies
7.15 Sulli M., Demurtas O. C., Ferrante P., Dall'Osto L., Guardini Z., Mini P., Aprea G., Nicolia A., Martí M., Aragonès V., Bassi R., Daròs J., Giuliano G.
Genome-edited N. benthamiana plants accumulating zeaxanthin for the production of saffron crocins
7.16 Dellino M., Presa S., Orzaez D., Montemurro C., De Giovanni C., Miazzi M. M., Fiore A., Diretto G., Sevi F., Granell A.
Targeting tomato fruit allergens with CRISPR/Cas9 technology
7.17 Farinati S., Soria Garcia A. F., Betto A., Palumbo F., Vannozzi A., Barcaccia G.
Implementation of precision breeding strategies for male sterility induction in Solanaceae model species
7.18 Fumelli L., Dono G., Diomaiuti A., Mazzucato A.
Approaches to improve firmness in tomato landraces by genome editing
7.19 Scarano A., D'Orso F., Basso M. F., Santino A., Picarella M. E., Mazzucato A., Dono G.
High pigment-2 CRISPR/Cas9 edited tomato lines obtained in different genetic backgrounds
7.20 Pane M., Castaldo C., Gentile D., Molisso M., Gianoglio S., Comino C., Moglia A., Ercolano M. R., Di Matteo A.
Investigating the role of an ERF transcription factor in mediating stress response and tomato fruit ripening and quality
7.21 Scarano A., Li J., D'Orso F., Santino A., Martin C.
Vitamin D biofortification in Solanaceous species by using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing
7.22 Iovieno P., Capuana M., Scarano A., Santino A., Basso M. F., Martinelli F.
Biofortification of tomato using genome editing
7.23 Ferrero M., Valentino D., Comino C., Lanteri S., Acquadro A., Moglia A.
Stress tolerance in eggplant: can Downy mildew resistance 6 (DMR6) play a role?
7.24 Maioli A., Nagalakshmi U., Dinesh-Kumar S., Moglia A.
Setting up of Virus-Induced Genome Editing (VIGE) protocol in eggplant
7.25 Rogo U., Viviani A., Pugliesi C., Fambrini M., Mascagni F., Cavallini A., Natali L., Michelmore R. W., Giordani T.
Unveiling the Role of CRISPR/Cas9-Generated MDHARs Mutants in Lactuca sativa
7.26 Bellon O., Bertini E., Forleo L. R., D'Amico M., Cardone M. F., Bergamini C., Zenoni S., Amato A.
Comparative Analysis of Stable Genetic Transformation Methods for Knocking Out VviAGL11 in 'Microvine' Grapevine Cultivar
7.27 Zattoni S., Zenoni S., Bertini E., D'Inca E., Sena G., Salvalaio M.
Application of CRISPR-cas9 system in grapevine (V. vinifera L.) and improvements in plant regeneration process
7.28 Ciffolillo C., Bertini E., Zattoni S., Lissandini S., Tornielli G. B., Polverari A., Zenoni S.
Plant regeneration from somatic embryogenesis and protoplast isolation of two Veneto region grapevine cultivars: Corvina Veronese and Garganega
7.29 Poles L., Ereddia V., Salonia F., Sparacio A., Nicolosi E., Distefano G., La Malfa S., Gentile A.
Sustainable viticulture: different strategies to enhance the resistance of the vine to the main fungal diseases on Sicilian cultivars
7.30 Baldi P., Yousaf A., Piazza S., Nicolussi Golo G., Gualandri V., Matteo K., Patocchi A., Malnoy M.
Improve apple scab resistance via cisgenic approach
7.31 Licciardello C., Ciacciulli A.
Advancements in the use of New Breeding Technologies to improve citrus fruit quality, reduce the flowering period and introduce the resistance to plant diseases
