

13:00 – 14:30Registration
14:30 - 15:00Opening ceremony
Chairpersons: Silvio Salvi, Roberto Tuberosa, Nicola Pecchioni

Welcome addresses by Institutional and Local Authorities
Maurizio Martina, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Deputy Director-General
Valtiero Mazzotti, Emilia-Romagna Region, General Directorate of Agriculture
Luca Fontanesi, University of Bologna, Rector Delegate for Competitive Research
15:00 - 17:00Session 1 - Single cell -omics, innovative interactomics and beyond
Chairpersons: Riccardo Aiese Cigliano, Elisabetta Frascaroli
15:00 – 15:30Invited Lecture
Stefania Giacomello - KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
A journey in plant spatial transcriptomics and beyond
15:30 – 15:45Laezza C., D'Amelia V., Kang M., Caputi L., O'Connor S.E., Rigano M.M.
Unveiling hidden diversity: single-cell multi-omics reveals heterogeneous metabolite production in Annurca callus cultures
15:45 – 16:00Busatto N., Populin F., Vittani L., Zanella A., Stefan S., Komhenko I., Masuero D., Vrhovsek U., Costa F.
Transcriptome and metabolic analysis reveal the impact of static and dynamic low oxygen regimes on postharvest storage of ‘Granny Smith’ apples
16:00 – 16:15Riccucci E., Mbebi A., Razaghi-Moghadam Z., Tong H., Caproni L., Royles J., Burnett A., Aguilera M. M. P., Kromdijk J., Dell'Acqua M., Nikoloski Z.
Reconstructing the maize leaf Regulatory Network from eQTL mapping associations
16:15 – 16:30Magnanimi F., Testone G., Sobolev A., Scioli G., Pin L., Aturki Z., Pajoro A., Serino G., Giannino D.
Lavender essential oil treatment can delay anthesis in Brassicaceae plants by targeting hormone and primary metabolism gene networks
16:30 – 16:45Cappetta E., Del Regno C., Ceccacci S., Monti M.C., Conte M., D'Anna C., Alfieri M., Vietri M., Costa A., Leone A., Ambrosone A.
Unveiling adaptive molecular mechanisms through comparative proteomics of potato cell responses to acute or stepwise water deficit
16:45 – 17:00Martini D., Paini M., Limongi A.R., Angheben L., Esposito A., Delledonne M.
Highly contiguous de novo assembly of plant genomes with Nanopore sequencing
17:15 – 17:45Keynote Talk
Edward Buckler - Cornell University (USA)
From climate change to AI: Improving agriculture by learning from global biological diversity
17:45 – 18:40Poster viewing (Sessions 1, 2 and 3, even numbers)
18:40 – 19:30Poster viewing (Sessions 1, 2 and 3, odd numbers)
19:30 - 20:45Welcome Cocktail



09:00 – 10:45Session 2 - Plant developmental genetics to improve our crops
Chairpersons: Vittoria Brambilla, Lucio Conti
09:00 – 09:30Invited Lecture
Keisuke Nagai - Nagoya University (JP)
Elucidation of the flooding tolerance mechanism through internode elongation in rice
09:30 – 09:45Bono G.A., Giaume F., Mineri L., Betti C., Brambilla V., Fornara F.

Exploring the function of rice florigenic proteins during inflorescence development
09:45 –10:00Castorina G., Domergue F., Consonni G.
Genetically regulated cuticle composition affects the permeability of juvenile leaves and prevents seedling water loss in maize
10:00 –10:15D'Attilia C., Camerlengo F., Frittelli A., Palombieri S., Fratini C., Masci S., Sestili F.
Modulating grain size of durum wheat (Triticum durum spp.) via TON1B overexpression
10:15 –10:30Tassinari A., Forestan C., Urbany C., Li K., Giuliani S., Sangiorgi G., Presterl T., Ouzunova M., Landi P., Tuberosa R., Salvi S.
Fine mapping and positional cloning of a major root system architecture QTL in maize
10:30 –10:45De Vivo M., Bertolotti G., Damato P., Scintu D., Novak O., Amati S., Dello Ioio R.
Identification of a tight link between root anatomy and compact soil penetration
11:00 – 11:30Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Sessions 4 and 5, even numbers)
11:30 – 13:15Session 3 - Understanding and improving nutrition and health-related traits of crops
Chairpersons: Stefania Masci, Angelo Santino
11:30 – 12:00Invited Lecture
Fred Brouns - Maastricht University (NL)
Nutrition and health-related traits of crops: is developing "safe and healthy wheat for all" an opportunity or utopia?
12:00 – 12:15Orasen G., Mica E., Lucchini G., Negrini N., Nocito F.F., Baldoni E., Tondelli A., Sacchi G.A., Valè G.
A genome‑wide association study of the grain ionome trait in rice Oryza sativa subsp. japonica under two diverse water management systems
12:15 – 12:30Toccaceli M., Marinelli A., Ballabio F., Bassolino L., Pacifico D., Parisi B., Nicoletti F., Lo Scalzo R., Camilloni C., Mandolino G., Petroni K.
Upland pigmented potatoes as valuable functional foods with anti-inflammatory properties: an insight into bioactive compounds interaction
12:30 – 12:45Warren F.
Manipulating carbohydrate biosynthesis in crops: targeting the gut microbiome
12:45 – 13:00Frittelli A., Palombieri S., Quagliata G., Masci S., Botticella E., Astolfi S., De Vita P., Volpato M., Sestili F.
Development and characterization of durum wheat lpa mutants by modulating the accumulation of phytic acid
13:00 – 13:15Nigro D., Sgaramella N., Pasqualone A., Signorile M.A., Laddomada B., Sonnante G., Blanco E., Simeone R., Blanco A.
Genetics of flavonoid content in pigmented durum wheat grains
13:30 – 15:00Lunch Break
15:00 – 17:15Session 4 - Coping with environmental challenges: from genetics to phenomics
Chairpersons: Pasquale Tripodi, Michela Janni
15:00 – 15:30Invited Lecture
Fabio Fiorani - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (DE)
Phenotyping applications for shoot and root traits
15:30 – 15:45Dimattia B.G., Righi A., Bettuzzi M., Koestel J., Morigi M.P., Salvi S., Hernandez Soriano M.C., Tuberosa R., Maccaferri M., Bittelli M.
Use of X-Ray tomography to investigate the impact of wheat cultivars on soil morphology
15:45 – 16:00Sillo F., Salon C., Montesano V., Summerer S., Petrozza A., Conte A., Bergese F., Jeudy C., Balestrini R.
Root phenotyping in different bread wheat genotypes provides a tool to assess phosphorus-deficiency tolerance
16:00 – 16:15Graci S., Aiese Cigliano R., Francesca S., Rigano M.M., Barone A.
Identification of candidate genes for the heat stress response of a thermotolerant tomato genotype
16:15 – 16:30Capasso G., Ruggiero A., Cirillo V., Esposito S., Esposito Se., Grillo S., Batelli G.
Enzymatic modifications and stress memory in tomato: focus on the ROS scavenging machinery in a recurrent drought stress experiment
16:30 – 16:45Ricci D., Fabene E., Lobato Gòmez M., Presa S., Al-Babili S., Granell A., Rodriguez P.L., Locato V., De Gara L., Demurtas O., Diretto G.
Physiological effects of β-apo-11-carotenal and Zaxinone apocarotenoids in Solanum lycorpersicum
16:45 – 17:00Castellacci M., Usai G., Vangelisti A., Simoni S., Natali L., Cavallini A., Mascagni F., Küden A., López-Corrales M., Domínguez G., Baraket G., Giordani T.
Exploiting the genetic diversity of the fig tree to discover molecular markers associated to morphological and abiotic stress-related traits
17:00 – 17:15Franguelli N., Cavalli D., Notario T., Pecetti L., Crosta M., Annicchiarico P.
Assessing frost tolerance in white lupin and pea: a methodological study to implement a high-throughput phenotypic platform
17:15KWS Short Presentation
17:30 - 18:10Fruit tree genomics and breeding - Invited minisession
Dedicated to Claudio Moser
Chairpersons: Laura Rossini, Stefano Tartarini
17:30 – 17:50Giulia Malacarne - Fondazione Edmund Mach (IT)
Gene functional studies and gene editing at work to improve the sustainability of viticulture
17:50 – 18:10Maria J. Aranzana - Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) - Research Institute of Agriculture, Food Research and Technology (IRTA) (ES)
The use of genetic diversity, genomics and AI models for apple breeding
18:15 – 18:45Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Session 4 and Session 5, odd numbers)
18:45 – 20:00SIGA General Assembly



09:00 – 10:30Session 5 - Plant genetics strategies against biotic challenges for agroinnovations
Chairpersons: Clizia Villano, Luca Nerva
09:00 – 09:30Invited Lecture
Sebastian Schornack - Cambridge University (UK)
Exploiting conserved development regulators to achieve oomycete pathogen resistance in monocots and dicots
09:30 – 09:45Negrini F., Sunico V., Higuera J.J., Sabbadini S., Mezzetti B., Caballero J.L., Baraldi E., Karas M.
Suitability of the Md-MYB10 reporter gene to generate intragenic strawberry varieties resistant to fungal pathogens
09:45 – 10:00D'Amelia V., Villano C., Piccinelli A.L., Docimo T., Esposito S., Ruocco M., Monti M.M., Staiti A., Aversano R., Carputo D.
Guardians of resilience: Anthocyanins impact on potatoes against Rhizoctonia solani
10:00 – 10:15de Sario F., Benbernou R., Ntakirutimana F., Lapalu N., GIE Blé Dur, Ammar K., Mazzucotelli E., Prodi A., Novi B.J., Confortini A., Desiderio F., Bozzoli M., Stefanelli S., Tuberosa R., Suffert F., Maccaferri M., Marcel T.C.
Genetics and genomics of the wheat-Zymoseptoria tritici pathosystem: novel resistance gene loci in wheat and insights from pathogenicity factors
10:15 – 10:30Magris G., Zelasco S., Salimonti A., Forgione I., Sirangelo T.M., Carbonell Bejerano P., Weigel D., Bagnaresi P., Di Gaspero G., Scalabrin S., Scaglione D., Usai G., Mascagni F., Natali L., Cavallini A., Marchese A., Marra F.P., Mulas M., Medda S., Muleo R., Baldoni L., Perri E., Cattivelli L., Carbone F., Morgante M.
Olive genome analysis for understanding genetic and genomic variation linked to disease and other important agronomic traits
10:30 - 10:40APSOVSEMENTI Short Presentation
10:40 – 11:45Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Session 6)
11:45 – 12:45Session 5cont.
11:45 – 12:00Bevilacqua I., Moffa L., Narduzzo A., Varotto S., Perrone I., Gambino G., Pagliarani C., Balestrini R., Chitarra W., Nerva L.
Exploring the impact of NPR3 gene silencing on grapevine defense responses and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis establishment
12:00 - 12:15Zenoni S., Fasoli M., Bertini E., D'Incà E., Zattoni S., Cattaneo L., Lissandrini S., Ciffolillo C., Polverari A., Tornielli G.B.
DNA-Free genome editing confers disease resistance in grapevine
12:15 – 12:30Arcieri F., Giudice G., Haider I., Delvento C., Guerriero M., Schilder M., Giancaspro A., Bouwmeester H., Lotti C., Ricciardi L., Pavan S.
Resistance mechanisms to Orobanche crenata in pea (Pisum sativum L.): beyond strigolactones
12:30 – 12:45Milani A., Di Vita N., Ottaviani F., Moffa L., Nerva L., Chitarra W., Scarabel L., Varotto S., Panozzo S.
Herbicidal dsRNA discovery by using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in weeds
13:00 – 14:30Lunch Break
14:30 – 16:15Session 6 - Breeders' toolbox for plant improvement
organized by Next Generation SIGA
Chairpersons: Chiara Delvento, Antonio Lippolis
14:30 – 15:00Invited Lecture
Julia Engelhorn - Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (DE)
Towards a cis-code: Identification of functional cis-regulatory variants at unprecedented scale
15:00 – 15:15Ciacciulli A., Augugliaro M., Licciardello C.
A PCR-based pipeline for integrating molecular tools into marker-free constructs
15:15 – 15:30Puglisi D., Afshari-Behbahanizadeh S., Angione G., Colella I., Fania F., Spadanuda P., Esposito S., De Vita P.
Allelic combinations of Vrn, Ppd and Rht genes improve genome-enabled prediction models in durum wheat
15:30 – 15:45Farooq M.A., Zeng X., Forestan C., Bruschi M., Bozzoli M., Makhoul M., Snowden R.J., Ober E., Pinto F., Reynolds M., Salvi S., Maccaferri M., Tuberosa R.
Dissecting the tetraploid wheat root growth angle QTLome: A key component of drought stress resilience
15:45 – 16:00Toppino L., Gattolin S., Molesini B., Tassone M.R., Castelli A., Pennisi F., Azzimonti M.T., Pandolfini T., Rotino G.L.
Inactivation of smelAUCSIA genes through CRISPR/Cas9 induces parthenocarpy in eggplant
16:00 – 16:15Lippolis A., Dechesne A., Laurice P., Trindade L.M.
High-throughput seed quality analysis in faba bean: leveraging Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy (NIRS) data and statistical methods
16:25 – 17:00Coffee Break and Poster Viewing (Sessions 7 and 8)
17:00 – 19:00Workshop – Social Impact of plant biotechnologies: challenges and opportunities
Chairpersons: Domenica Nigro, Nicola Pecchioni
17:00 – 17:30Invited Talk
Agnès Ricroch - Paris-Saclay University (FR)
Agricultural applications of new genomic techniques and their international regulations
17:30 – 18:00Invited Talk
Inez Hortense Slamet - IRRI (F)
Biotechnology for sustainable farming and healthier communities
18:00 – 19:00Round table "Impatto sociale delle biotecnologie vegetali: sfide e opportunità"
Discussant: Anna Meldolesi

Agostino Macrì - Unione Nazionale Consumatori (UNC)
Silvia Giuliani - Assosementi
Vittoria Brambilla - Università degli Studi di Milano
Luca De Carlo – Senatore della Repubblica
Amedeo Alpi – Accademia dei Georgofili
Nicola Lucifero - Università degli Studi di Firenze
Daniele Rossi - COPA COGECA Research and Innovation
20:30Social Event (The Sidney Hotel)



09:30 – 10:15SIGA Young Researcher Award 2024
Dedicated to Alessandro Bozzini, Luigi Monti, Mirella Sari Gorla
Chairpersons: Silvio Salvi, Daniele Rosellini

Gomez-Alvarez E.M.
The inability of barley to germinate after submergence depends on hypoxia-induced secondary dormancy

Del Regno C.
An integrated multilevel approach unveils complex seed−nanoparticle interactions and their implications for seed priming

Giaume F.
Two florigens and a florigen-like protein form a triple regulatory module at the shoot apical meristem to promote reproductive transitions in rice

Award ceremony
10:15 – 12:15Session 7 - Getting to the field: plant genetics for the seed and nursery sector
Chairpersons: Silvia Giuliani, Roberto Tuberosa
10:15 - 10:45Invited Lecture
Dirk Inzè - Ghent University (BE)
Multiplex gene editing for tackling complex traits in crops
10:45 - 11:00Balconi C., Galaretto A., Malvar R.A., Nicolas S.D., Redaelli R., Andjelkovic V., Revilla P., Bauland C., Gouesnard B., Butron A., Torri A., Barata A.M., Kravic N., Mendes-Moreira P., Murariu D., Šarčević H., Schierscher-Viret B., Vincent M., Zanetto A., Kessel B., Madur D., Mary-Huard T., Pereira A., Placinta D.D., Strigens A., Charcosset A., Goritschnig S.
European public-private partnership exploring maize diversity to identify promising genetic resources for pre-breeding
11:00 - 11:15Maccaferri M., Mazzucotelli E., Forestan C., Bozzoli M., Muhammad Awais F., Desiderio F., Mastrangelo A. M., Marone D., Gadaleta A., Viola P., Invernizzi C., Goudemand E., Devaux P., Pirona R., Ceriotti A., Curci P.L., Sonnante G., Masci S., Sestili F., Morgante M., Giuliano G., Fengler K., Llaca V., Zastrow-Eyes G., Ammar K., Faris J., Xu S., Varshney R., Walkowiak S., Chawla H.S., Sharpe P., Silvestri M., Spannagl M., Hall A., Bassi F.M., Pozniak C., Cattivelli L., Salvi S., Tuberosa R.
The collaborative genomics tools developed by the Durum Wheat community: from the Platinum-Quality Svevo RefSeq v2.0 to the Global Durum Genomic Resource and the tetraploid wheat pangenome pyramid
11:15 - 11:30Faccini N., Baronchelli M., Tagliaferri I., Reggiani F., Corvi C., Pagani D., Alberici R., Povesi A., Fricano A., Gianinetti A., Cattivelli L., Tondelli A.
Public-private partnerships to support the Italian small grain cereal sector
11:30 - 11:45Metelli G., Bonarrigo M., Blasi E., Marucci A., Sestili F., Masci S.
Traceability in the Italian pasta supply chain via SNPs analysis: high-throughput SNP-based approach for the traceability in the Italian pasta supply chain
11:45 - 12:00Martina M., Gianoglio N., Barchi L., Gaccione L., Milanesi C., Acquadro A., Portis E.
Pepper breeding: Genomic profiling of MAGIC parental lines through public-private partnerships
12:00 - 12:15Belcapo S., Rethoré E., Desiderio F., Guerra D., Nguema-Ona E., Ezquer I.
Uncovering seed biology traits of new hybrids of interest in wheat
12:15 – 12:30Closing Ceremony
Chairpersons: Silvio Salvi, Stefania Masci
