LXVII SIGA Annual Congress
“Expanding frontiers in crop genetics”

 10-13 September 2024

Session 1 - Single cell -omics, innovative interactomics and beyond

1.01 Giacomello S.
A journey in plant spatial transcriptomics and beyond
1.02 Laezza C., D'Amelia V., Kang M., Caputi L., O'Connor S. E., Rigano M. M.
Unveiling hidden diversity: Single-cell multi-omics reveals heterogeneous metabolite production in Annurca callus cultures
1.03 Busatto N., Populin F., Vittani L., Zanella A., Stefan S., Komhenko I., Masuero D., Vrhovsek U., Costa F.
Transcriptome and metabolic analysis reveal the impact of static and dynamic low oxygen regimes on postharvest storage of ‘Granny Smith’ apples
1.04 Riccucci E., Mbebi A., Razaghi-Moghadam Z., Tong H., Caproni L., Royles J., Burnett A., Aguilera Miranda M. P., Kromdijk J., Dell'Acqua M., Nikoloski Z.
Reconstructing the maize leaf Regulatory Network from eQTL mapping associations
1.05 Magnanimi F., Testone G., Sobolev A., Scioli G., Pin L., Aturki Z., Pajoro A., Serino G., Giannino D.
Lavender essential oil treatment can delay anthesis in Brassicaceae plants by targeting hormone and primary metabolism gene networks
1.06 Cappetta E., Del Regno C., Ceccacci S., Monti M. C., Conte M., D'Anna C., Alfieri M., Vietri M., Costa A., Leone A., Ambrosone A.
Unveiling adaptive molecular mechanisms through comparative proteomics of potato cell responses to acute or stepwise water deficit
1.07 Martini D., Paini M., Limongi A. R., Angheben L., Esposito A., Delledonne M.
Highly contiguous de novo assembly of plant genomes with Nanopore sequencing
1.08 Devillars A., Farinati S., Bertini E., Fattorini C., Lissandrini S., Soria Garcia A. F., Joseph J., Potlapalli B. P., Houben A., Zenoni S., Vinnozzi A.
Preliminary steps of a protocol to isolate transcription factors bound to a specific DNA locus in grapevine using CRISPR-dCas9 system
1.09 Friel J., Tagliabue A., Horner D. S., Baccichet I., Rossini L., Cirilli M.
Structural variant detection in Prunus persica with low cost Multicaller pipeline
1.10 Vitiello G., Gullì M., Djebaili R., Pellegrini M., Marmiroli N.
Application of Microbial Consortia and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi can reduce the effect of water limitation and improve lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivation
1.11 Gentile D., Serino G., Frugis G.
Unravelling CRF-mediated pathways to address the growing need for resilient crops
1.12 Foresti C., Morgante M., Paci P., Zenoni S.
Defining gene regulation and co-regulation at single cell resolution in grapevine
1.13 De Antoni L., Bitocchi E., Vincenzi L., Carta G., Delledonne M., Papa R., Rossato M.
GENUINE: Harnessing advanced Genomic mEthods to ideNtify fUture clImate resilient geNotypes in lEgumes species with large and repetitive genomes
